Survive Retirement and Stay Alive

Survive Retirement and Stay Alive

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

sage advice

“Computers are stupid - they only give you answers” - Picasso.

But are even the answers the web provides up to the mark?

In this busy world with people so isolated from each other (texting, facebook and twitter are not means of true communication) finding personal answers can be a real problem for people, young people especially, as many of them have never learned to hold a conversation, much less ask for advice face-to-face.

They may well never be able to tap into the vast wealth of experience of other (older) members of their society. The grey hairs make us retirees invisible - remember?

This topic presented itself to me just the other day. For some time I have been dealing with a problem which I cannot solve, a situation for which I can find no resolution; emailing, texting, even face-to-face conversations re the issue have not resolved things.

Over a quiet beer the other evening I heard in my head the voice of an uncle of mine “Son, you have to learn that sometimes you just have to walk away.....sometimes there’s nothing you can do....some things you can’t fix....sometimes people just won’t have to know when to might dent your pride for now, but later you will be glad that you were strong....”

He was right.You have to know when to walk away:
- from a relationship
- from a bad business deal
- from an unsatisfactory job
- from a debt
- from a fight
- & hardest of all - from a grave

Hey! There’s even a great Kenny Rogers song about this:

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