Survive Retirement and Stay Alive

Survive Retirement and Stay Alive

Sunday, 17 May 2015

still fit for purpose

For those of us born around the middle of the last century, it can be rather amusing to observe over the passing decades how certain theories come and go. How panels of “experts” laud one theory, assuring the public that solid inconvertable scientific evidence backs up that product X is bad for you/society/the planet...only for completely contrary ‘validated’ (read purchased) scientific evidence to emerge a few years later repudiating the previous stance.

Sadly we cynics perceive this pattern as a purely commercial one - “buy cigarettes - they’re good for recommended by doctors” (remember these ads?).....”dispose of your old ‘fridge - buy a new one which is CFC free and help protect the ozone layer” - now scientists say that the hole in the ozone layer helps heat escape, reducing the effect of global warming (!?).

And so it goes: beef bad/beef good...butter bad/butter bad/coffee good...margarine good/margarine bad...carbohydrates good/carbohydrates bad...

Here’s a specific example - the Canadian airforce’s 5BX exercise programme. This simple regime was introduced long ago last century to maintain the fitness of Canadian flying crew. It is very effective, basic, and DIY - no expensive gyms, weights, or supplements required, just plain old-fashioned physical exercise (which is probably why it fell from favour as fitness became an industry in the ’80‘s, morphing in to the diet industry a little later - but that’s another story).

Recently 5BX has made a come-back, with media articles now praising the regime for its simplicity and effectiveness. Evidently the “latest scientific evidence” shows that the likes of this brief but intense workout are ideal for maintaining a good level of fitness.

I dug out my old copy of the book - it pays to keep things in case they may be useful later!

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